Why Aberdeen Cattle??? Discover Why

by Chris | Published October 20, 2015

American Aberdeen, your solution.

The American Aberdeen breed offers several benefits. These include calving ease, greater efficiency, higher stocking rates, lower cost to maintain, moderation of frame size, both commercial and homestead or self-sufficiency production, the ability to finish on grass, and ideal carcass traits of the original Angus breed.

Calving Ease: American Aberdeen are the calving ease experts. You can sleep easy at night knowing the heifers and cows normally have unassisted births. Fullbloods have an average birth weight of 35-48 pounds. Percentage Aberdeen usually have a birth weight of 42-65 pounds. American Aberdeen, your calving ease solution.

Greater efficiency: Aberdeen cattle consume about 1/3 the amount of feed as a full-sized animal, gaining weight and finishing earlier with very little cost. They do not need grain to reach full maturity. Where you would normally stock 6 Angus cows you may be able to run as many as 10 Aberdeen’s. You can expect more pounds of meat per acre than with standard size breeds. American Aberdeen, your efficiency solution.

Higher stocking rates: Because Aberdeen’s consume less you can run more Animal Units (AU) than standard size cattle. Full Bloods are 1.8 to 2.0 per normal AU. % Cattle 1.5 to 1.75. This allows you to wean more total pounds of marketable product. American Aberdeen, your stocking rate solution.

Moderation of frame sizes: Full Blood or percentage bulls can be used on your current cattle. The F1 off spring replacements will help moderate frame size and add more do-ability into your herd. This drives down your input cost in times of drought or times when supplement is needed. American Aberdeen, your moderate frame solution.

Beef Production and Carcass traits: Aberdeen Cattle produce high Rib Eye Area (REA) and offer what few breeds can in relation of REA per 100 weight(REA/CWT). This means you produce a high percentage of prime retail cuts off the total weight of the producing animal. Aberdeen rate high in Quality in Carcass traits, allowing a higher percentage to reach High Choice and Prime on less input. Aberdeen cattle in a feedlot setting will consume 30% less input and spend less time on feed to reach the desired Quality Grade. Less input for more out-put means more profit! American Aberdeen, your beef production and carcass trait solution.

Commercial and homestead or self-sufficiency production: The naturally compact size of Aberdeen’s is ideal for both the commercial producer as well as those with small acreage with homestead or self-sufficiency production. American Aberdeen, your production solution for large or small operations.

Grass-fed beef: American Aberdeen breed are among the best converters of grass to beef. They do not require corn or processed grains to finish.

Grass-fed beef is said to have the highest ratio of omega 3 fat of any beef. Aberdeen do it at the highest stocking ratio. American Aberdeen, your grass-fed solutions.


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