2022 SABA Annual Meeting
SABA Annual Meeting will be held at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo on 5 March.
Our meeting room is located on the 2d Floor of NRG Center, room 201. Doors [ more ]
SABA Annual Meeting will be held at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo on 5 March.
Our meeting room is located on the 2d Floor of NRG Center, room 201. Doors [ more ]
It’s that time of year to rodeo and show our impressive breed. Houston Livestock and Rodeo (HLSR) specific schedule for American Aberdeen is below. More information about HLSR can be [ more ]
It is that time of year to to renew membership and fill opening seats on the SABA board.
If your interested in running please submit a short approximately 200 word bio.
Bio [ more ]
Here are some links to some videos to help you Discover Aberdeen Cattle and why they are right for your operation.
Aberdeen Main Video
Maddock Video
Effertz Video
Ringwall Video
Lalman Video
I have just returned from the American Aberdeen Association National Show and Sale in Denver. It was good to see several of our SABA members present and involved in the [ more ]
To: General Membership
From: Board of Directors, Southern Aberdeen Breeders Association
Re: Changes to Association Name and Included States
Date: July 11, 2017
Dear Member:
The Board of Directors of the Southern Aberdeen Breeders Association [ more ]
State Fair of Louisiana Livestock
Sept. 7 at midnight will be the last day to enter the State Fair of Louisiana’s Livestock Show online. Registration papers must be in our office [ more ]
American Aberdeen, your solution.
The American Aberdeen breed offers several benefits. These include calving ease, greater efficiency, higher stocking rates, lower cost to maintain, moderation of frame size, both commercial and homestead [ more ]
The statement was made in the movie Field of Dreams, if we build it, they will come.
Nothing could be further from the truth in the [ more ]
How much can I sell my American Aberdeen for?
What most people would like to hear is this: “If you paid xxx dollars for your
cow/bull then you should be able to sell offspring [ more ]